学校简介 / University Profile

  佛罗里达克里斯汀大学(Florida Christian University,简称FCU)创立于1985年,是位于佛罗里达州奥兰多市中心的一所综合性私立大学。地理位置优越,紧邻奥兰多环球影城与奥兰多迪士尼主题乐园。


  Florida Christian University (FCU), founded in 1985, is a comprehensive private university located in the heart of Orlando,Florida. It boasts a prime location in close proximity to the renowned Universal Studios and Walt Disney World theme parks.

  Florida Christian University (FCU) offers more than 30 university and graduateschool majors, including business, engineering, communication, education, art, anthropology, social sciences, health, nursing, etc.FCU has long earned a reputation for excellence in teaching and research in the discipline, and is a universityrecognized by ABHE and the U.S. Department of Education.

—————— 使命/Mission ——————


Through practical and flexible higher education, we provide students with an international perspective and more outstanding skills.

—————— 愿景/Version ——————


Cultivating a global community of change agents, individuals who uphold their missions based on excellence and integrity.

学校认证 / Licensure

  高等教育认证委员会(英语:Council for Higher Education Accreditation;简写: CHEAA)是美国授予学院和大学学位的组织。成立目的是提倡通过认证而提供国家对学术品质自我监管,以证实高等教育认证机构(包括地区、信仰、私人、职业和计划认证机构)的质量。该组织约有3000多个学术机构成员,目前承认大约60个认证机构。高等教育认证委员会总部设在华盛顿特区,是高等教育品质保证国际网络的成员。

  独⽴教育委员会是佛罗⾥达州教育部的⼀个机构,对与⾮公⽴⾼等教育机构有关的事务负有法定责任。佛罗⾥达克⾥斯汀⼤学获得佛罗⾥达州教育部独⽴教育委员会的许可,许可证号为 6361。

  The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) is a United States organization of degree-granting colleges and universities. It identifies its purpose as providing national advocacy for academic quality through accreditation in order to certify the quality of higher education accrediting organizations, including regional, faith-based, private, career, and programmatic accrediting organizations.The organization has accredited colleges and universities as members, and currently recognizes approximately 64 accrediting organizations. CHEA is based in Washington, D.C. CHEA is a member of International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE).

  The Independent Education Commission is an entity within the Florida Department of Education responsible for statutory oversight of matters pertaining to non-public higher education institutions. Florida Christian University has obtained licensure from the Independent Education Commission of the Florida Department of Education, with License Number 6361.


ABHE 查询官网:https://www.abhe.org/

  ABHE 认证委员会自 1947 年成立,是历史最悠久、经验更丰富的认证机构之一。自 1952 年开始ABHE 一直被美国教育部认可为认证机构。2024 年 2 月 13 日,佛罗里达克里斯汀大学获得圣经高等教育委员会认证协会的候选资格。候选资格是一种预认证资格,授予那些符合 ABHE资格条件并具备可为五年内获得认证资格奠定基础的机构。候选院校得到美国教育部(USDE)、高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)、美国司法部、美国退伍军人事务部以及美国其他相关联邦机构的认可。
  Established since 1947, the ABHE Accreditation Board is one of the oldest and more experienced accrediting organizations. ABHE has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as an accrediting agency since 1952. On February 13, 2024, Florida Christian University was approved for Candidate Status with the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation. Candidate status is a Pre-Accreditation status granted to those institutions that meet the ABHE Conditions of Eligibility and that possess such qualities as may provide a basis for achieving accreditation status within five years.Candidate institutions are recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE), Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), the US Department of Justice, the US Department of Veteran Affairs, and other relevant federal agencies in the United States.
项目介绍 / Project Introduction



项目优势 / Advantages
课程设置 / Curriculum
入学须知 / Admission requirements
入读条件/Admission conditions
  • 教育学博士(PhD)

    ◆ 获得教育学或相关领域的硕士学位;

    ◆ 获得非教育学或非相关领域的硕士学位,有3年以上教育学工作经验。


    ◆ 获得管理或相关领域的硕士学位;

    ◆ 获得非管理或非相关领域的硕士学位,有3年以上工作管理经验。

  • (*未具上述学历的申请人,请提供一份管理或相关的成就描述,并向项目办公)
  • 入读材料/Admission conditions

    ◆ 入读申请表

    ◆ 个人履历表

    ◆ 个人陈述(入学动机信)

    ◆ 身份证正反面扫描件、护照首页扫描件

    ◆ 学位证原件扫描件

    ◆ 硕士成绩单扫描件

    ◆ 2寸白底证件电子照片

    修读方式/Study Method

    ◆ 类  型:线上美方课+线下中方面授课

    ◆ 学  制:三年(具体以实际情况为准)

    ◆ 授课安排:每两个月的一个周末,每次两天

    ◆ 授课语言:中文、英文授课,配有现场翻译

    ◆ 教学方式:教授讲授、案例分析、小组讨论、


  • 入读费用/Tuition Tee

    ◆ 学   费 : 119300 元

    ◆ 面试申请费:33000

  • 申请流程/Application Process

  • 学位证书颁发 / Issuance of Degree Certifica




    Students must complete all the credits required for FCU degree diploma, complete the thesis and pass the defense, and can obtain the Doctor of Philosophy (Business Management) degree certificate issued by FCU. After graduation, students can choose to go to the United States to attend the graduation ceremony held by our school, experience the international academic atmosphere, and feel the solemn ceremony of being awarded a degree.